December 6
Day 6

Lisa Lutz

Like so many of the books I read these days, Lisa Lutz' series about the Spellman Family was recommended to me by Linda at the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles. I'm glad I listened, because without a doubt, the Spellman books have become some of my all time favorites.


Book one, THE SPELLMAN FILES, introduces the Spellmans, a family of private investigators who have a hard time separating their work life from their personal lives. Isabel Spellman, the eldest daughter, has followed in her parents footsteps as a P.I.and often resorts to unconventional methods to get the job done, even if means keeping her own family under surveillance.

More chronicles of a loving but highly dysfunctional family than crime novels, the Spellman books are unique in every way. Isabel Spellman is a heroine that despite her faults (there are many), is utterly engaging. I have devoured all four of the Spellman books and I can't wait for the fifth, whenever it may come.

If you're buying books as gifts this holiday season, please consider purchasing from your local independent bookshop. The level of customer service you'll receive is unmatched, you'll have the added benefit of making new friends of the staff, and you'll help support a local business.

Books featured in this post can be purchased from the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles (orders@mystery-bookstore.com).

December 5
Day 5

R.J. Ellory

My introduction to R.J. Ellory's work came at Bouchercon 2009 in Indianapolis. Several on a panel of book reviewers named his book A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS one of the best they'd read that year so I bought a signed copy.  Coincidentally, I was fortunate to meet Roger himself at an awards ceremony later that night.

Just a few pages in and I knew why those reviewers had selected A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS as one of their favorites. It is a beautifully written book. Once I started, I found it difficult to put down.


The novel is about Joseph Vaughn, a boy whose young life is shaken when a series of murders of young girls occurs in his town. Ten years go by and the murders are finally "solved," but when Joseph moves to New York City as an adult and another series of murders begin, it seems that the past has followed Joseph.

From there I was hooked on Ellory's writing. I recently finished THE ANNIVERSARY MAN and CANDLEMOTH is next on my list. R.J. Ellory does more than just write compelling crime stories; he has the ability to reveal his characters' souls in a way that doesn't happen often enough in the genre.

If you're buying books as gifts this holiday season, please consider purchasing from your local independent bookshop. The level of customer service you'll receive is unmatched, you'll have the added benefit of making new friends of the staff, and you'll help support a local business.

Books featured in this post can be purchased from the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles (orders@mystery-bookstore.com).

December 4
Day 4

Sue Ann Jaffarian

I first met Sue Ann Jaffarian on Twitter. Our second meeting was at another author's book signing. The third was at her own book signing for CORPSE ON THE COB, the fifth book in her popular Odelia Grey mystery series.

Odelia is a plus-sized paralegal living in Los Angeles and happens to have a flair for finding mysterious situations (not to mention dead bodies). When I heard the premise of CORPSE ON THE COB, I was intrigued, and despite not having read the first four books in the series, I plunged right in. Odelia goes to Massachusetts to confront her mother, absent from her life for 34 years, and happens to find her bent over a dead body in the middle of a corn maze.


CORPSE ON THE COB was such a fun read I scrambled to get the first in the series, TOO BIG TO MISS. It's high on next year's to-be-read bookshelf.

As it happens, Odelia Grey is not the only series Sue Ann writes. She also pens the GHOST OF GRANNY APPLES mysteries and the FANG IN CHEEK vampire novels. The first in the series, MURDER IN VEIN, is another novel I had the good fortune to enjoy this year, and if vampires are your thing, definitely put it on your list.

Sue Ann was kind enough to answer some questions to celebrate 25 Days of Books:

1) You are currently writing three series. C'mon, be honest: which one is the most fun to write? (No fair saying you love all your children equally).

Right now, I'd have to say the vampire mysteries are the most fun to write. They are so removed from reality and are darker and sexier than my other series, and it's great to exercise those writing muscles.

2) What trait(s) do you share with Odelia? What about your newest heroine, Madison Rose?

I share a lot of traits with Odelia. First of all we're both middle-aged, plus size paralegals. We're both loyal, determined, pig headed and given to sarcasm. In writing Madison Rose, I trot out my insecurities such as lack of trust and skepticism. She's also had a very rough life and while mine was nothing like hers (thankfully!) it sometimes allows me to tap into my deep inner feelings to round her out.

3) When does the next Odelia Grey book come out?

Twice As Dead will be out June 2011!

4) What is your perfect meal, beverage included?

Wow, that's a tough one since it depends on my mood at the moment. But overall, I have to say, a nice heavy beer, ceasar salad, and a fabulous pepperoni and mushroom pizza with extra cheese and a thin-ish crust and all the calories magically sucked out.

5) How will you be spending the holidays this year?

Quietly, as I usually do, with a nice meal and good music. And with my fingers pounding out the 3rd Granny Apples book.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with me, Sue Ann!

If you're buying books as gifts this holiday season, please consider purchasing from your local independent bookshop. The level of customer service you'll receive is unmatched, you'll have the added benefit of making new friends of the staff, and you'll help support a local business.

Books featured in this post can be purchased from the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles (orders@mystery-bookstore.com).

December 3
Day 3

Matt Hilton

Authors, do you ever wonder if attending conferences such as Bouchercon are worthwhile? Speaking for myself as a reader, I can confirm I have been introduced to the work of many writers at such conferences and if their books sound interesting, I buy them. It adds up to a lot of books. I also recommend lots of books. Perhaps my contribution is just a blip on the screen, but every little helps, right?

Back to Matt Hilton. I attended a panel featuring Matt Hilton at Bouchercon by the Bay this year, and darn it if he didn't convince me I needed to read one of his books. I headed down to the book room and bought the first in the Joe Hunter series, DEAD MEN'S DUST.


I loved this book.

It has everything a thriller should: a larger than life yet still somehow believable hero (Joe Hunter), a deliciously twisted psychopathic killer, and genuine, nail-biting suspense interspersed with exciting action sequences. The pacing of this book is exquisite. It's a truly satisfying read from start to finish.

I can't wait to read the next book in the series, JUDGEMENT AND WRATH.

If you're buying books as gifts this holiday season, please consider purchasing from your local independent bookshop. The level of customer service you'll receive is unmatched, you'll have the added benefit of making new friends of the staff, and you'll help support a local business.

Books featured in this post can be purchased from the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles (orders@mystery-bookstore.com).


December 2
Day Two

Sophie Littlefield

I was first introduced to Sophie Littlefield's novel, A BAD DAY FOR SORRY, at a writer's conference. Sophie's agent was there, and she couldn't stop talking about the book. She was so enthusiastic, I knew I had to read it.


I wasn't disappointed. A BAD DAY FOR SORRY is the first in a series featuring Stella Hardesty, an unlikely heroine who uses some unconventional methods to find justice but entices you to root for her from page one of the first book, right through to the last page in the second book, A BAD DAY FOR PRETTY.

Sophie's BAD DAY has become a series I look forward to with the same anticipation I have for Sue Grafton's ABC books. There is no higher praise than that! And I'm not the only one who likes A BAD DAY FOR SORRY. It was nominated for six first novel awards and won the Anthony Award for best first novel.

Fresh off a December 1 book deadline, Sophie was kind enough to answer some questions for me:

1) What was your first published novel, and is it the first novel you wrote?

A BAD DAY FOR SORRY was my first published, but the 9th I wrote.

2) How long did it take you to write (the first pubbed novel)

…and I wrote it in what can only be described as a six-week temper tantrum after being rejected a couple hundred times on the ones that came before.

3) Name one quality that Stella Hardesty has that you share.

Fierce, unstoppable determination! Also known as "headstrong" 🙂

4) When does the next book in the "BAD DAY" series come out?

The third in the series, A BAD DAY FOR SCANDAL, will be out in June 2011.

5) How will you be celebrating the holidays this year?

I spent Thanksgiving eating grocery-store dinner and worrying about the book that was due December 1, so I am planning to take December off and spend it baking cookies and wrapping presents and singing christmas tunes and basically being kind of like a whisky-soaked Norman Rockwell apparition.

Thanks for stopping by, Sophie!

If that wasn't enough Sophie Littlefield for you, Sophie is having a book giveaway at her blog:

Win My Books!

Win a book for yourself or a gift, and Sophie will even show off her mad wrapping skills by gift wrapping it for you.

If you're buying books as gifts this holiday season, please consider purchasing from your local independent bookshop. The level of customer service you'll receive is unmatched, you'll have the added benefit of making new friends of the staff, and you'll help support a local business.

Books featured in this post can be purchased from the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles (orders@mystery-bookstore.com).

December 1
Day One

Robert B. Parker

I have a list of 25 authors and books sitting next to me, and deciding which one to start with was no easy task. I chose Robert B. Parker for a couple of reasons: first, he passed away on January 18, 2010. Prior to learning of his death, I'd never read one of his books, and I decided I'd read the first Spenser book, THE GODWULF MANUSCRIPT, as a result. I really enjoyed it.

Second, when I had my ACL reconstruction surgery in June, Parker's Sunny Randall series turned out to be an unexpected comfort. During the first ten days of my recovery, I read most of the books in the series, and they were the perfect antidote to the forced inertia I experienced during that time.



What's to like about Sunny Randall? Well, she's a female P.I. living in Boston, one of my favorite cities. She's a strong character, confident and good at her job, but with enough vulnerability so that readers relate to her. For me, the books are like a favorite snack food; delicious, making me want more, but not so complicated that I can't just sit and enjoy Sunny's world for awhile before slipping back into my own reality.

If you're buying books as gifts this holiday season, please consider purchasing from your local independent bookshop. The level of customer service you'll receive is unmatched, you'll have the added benefit of making new friends of the staff, and you'll help support a local business.