Today on Do Some Damage, I thought it would be fun to do a Buzzfeed-style list of book experiences you should have before you die. I’m sure I missed something–what book experiences do you think we kick the proverbial bucket?
Click here to read the post.
The winners of the Amazon gift cards are: Stephen J., Pop Culture Nerd, and John B. Thanks for playing, everyone. And more importantly, thank you for your wonderful comments.
Today is February 3, 2014.
Today I am a published author.
I started writing Mistress of Fortune (then titled Diary of Bedlam) in June 2008, but the dream of writing and publishing a novel started much earlier, borne from the reading I did as a child. I wanted to write novels too, to inspire others with stories the way I’d been inspired. And now, I’ve finally done it.
I’m nervous, of course. Now that Mistress of Fortune is out in the world, there are so many things to worry about: Will it sell? Will people like it? I’d like to say that just for today, I’ll put those concerns aside and enjoy this moment. That’s not likely to happen, but I’ll do my best.
There will be other stories that capture my imagination and compel me to put them to paper. I’ll spend more long hours alone at my computer, attempting to bring new characters to life and trying to figure out what drives them. But there will never be another first novel for me. And so, today, I celebrate.
Did you know you can buy eBooks from many independently-owned bookstores? It’s true! By partnering with Kobo, independent booksellers everywhere are selling eBooks, just like the larger eRetailers. If you don’t have a kobo reader, just download the app for your computer, tablet, or smartphone and start reading.
Here are a few of the wonderful independent bookstores where you can buy Mistress of Fortune:
Mysterious Galaxy (Redondo Beach, CA, my local indie)
Murder by the Book (Houston, TX)
Book People (Austin, TX)
Book Passage (Bay Area, CA)
Mechanicsburg Mystery Bookstore (Harrisburg, PA)
Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore (Forest Park, IL)
Raven Bookstore (Lawrence, KS)
Fountain Bookstore (Richmond, VA)
Mysteries on Main Street (Johnstown, NY)
I’ll be adding to this list as I find indies that sell eBooks. But if you don’t see your local indie here, check and see if they sell eBooks. I’d love it if you’d purchase Mistress of Fortune through them.
Steve Weddle recently invited me to join the crew over at Do Some Damage. Of course I said yes.
In my first post, I tackle the question of authors reviewing books, in which I struggle with the 5- star rating system. Head on over and put in your two cents.
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