I have a list of 25 authors and books sitting next to me, and deciding which one to start with was no easy task. I chose Robert B. Parker for a couple of reasons: first, he passed away on January 18, 2010. Prior to learning of his death, I'd never read one of his books, and I decided I'd read the first Spenser book, THE GODWULF MANUSCRIPT, as a result. I really enjoyed it.
Second, when I had my ACL reconstruction surgery in June, Parker's Sunny Randall series turned out to be an unexpected comfort. During the first ten days of my recovery, I read most of the books in the series, and they were the perfect antidote to the forced inertia I experienced during that time.
What's to like about Sunny Randall? Well, she's a female P.I. living in Boston, one of my favorite cities. She's a strong character, confident and good at her job, but with enough vulnerability so that readers relate to her. For me, the books are like a favorite snack food; delicious, making me want more, but not so complicated that I can't just sit and enjoy Sunny's world for awhile before slipping back into my own reality.
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RBP and Sunny are a great way to start!!! RBP made everything look easy … a seamless flow of writing that holds you.
I’m glad you’re recovered now, Holly–and glad you were able to spend some time with Robert B.! 🙂