December 13
Day 13

Justine Larbelastier

Today's post is written by Julie Carruth, an elementary school teacher, a voracious reader, and a dear friend. I asked her to share her thoughts on LIAR, a book we both read this year.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire.” Everyone’s heard that playground taunt at least once in their lives. However, as readers, we automatically assume the narrator is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But what if the narrator is a compulsive liar? So starts the provocative thriller LIAR   by Justine Larbalestier. Micah, a high school student, lies to everyone, including herself. When her lies come back to haunt her after the brutal murder of a boy she was seeing on the sly, Micah tries to come clean with her parents, her classmates, and the reader. Or does she?

Reading this novel was akin to being trapped in a fun-house – every time I thought I knew what was going on, the story shifted and I was left with an image that may or may not be true. This haunting thriller has stayed with me, and I found myself thinking and talking about this book all year long.  A must read for the reader who likes to be challenged or a fantastic gift for the voracious reader in your life!

Thanks for the review, Julie! You can find Julie on Twitter @jjcarruth.

f you're buying books as gifts this holiday season, please consider purchasing from your local independent bookshop. The level of customer service you'll receive is unmatched, you'll have the added benefit of making new friends of the staff, and you'll help support a local business.

Books featured in this post can be purchased from the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles (orders@mystery-bookstore.com).


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