For a long time now I’ve wanted to feature some interviews on this blog, specifically, interviews of knit designers. Why? Because I want to be a knit designer and I want tips! So out of my selfishness, I hope to do some good for the knitting community in general.
Of course, I am interested in other things as well. Being a jewelry designer and metalsmith, I of course would like to learn about the creative process of other artists. And since I am a self-taught painter, I’d love to learn about the creative process of other painters, especially those who are more successful (which pretty much counts most people) than I or who have formal training.
So I am sending out a casting call:
I am specifically interested in interviewing pattern designers who have had at least one pattern published somewhere either online or in print and/or who sell their original pattern designs.
By “metalsmith” I mean someone who makes hand fabricated jewelry (or other things). This isn’t metalsmithing per se, but I’d also be interested in interviewing PMC artists and those who carve their designs in wax for casting.
I am a pet portrait artist who mainly uses acrylics and canvas. But I am interested in interviewing other types of painters/illustrators.
My blog is all about the creative process (specifically mine) and now I’d like to include other artists. I don’t have a huge audience–about 200 page views a day (not necessarily unique)–but every bit of promotion helps I think.
If you are interested in being featured, please convo me on Etsy, comment on this post, or email me. I can’t guarantee I’ll feature you or that it will be done in a timely manner, but regardless I will do my best.
I can’t wait to see your interviews with knit designers. I design but never tried to get anything published.
I know there are some great designers on Etsy. I hope some will come forward and interview with you.