Diary of Bedlam update: Still querying agents and waiting for agents to get back to me.

The waiting game can be hard and frustrating. Although I must say the more time that goes by, the more I forget I’m waiting because I’m working on new projects. I’ve got actual deadlines, people! That feels good, makes me feel more legitimate for some reason.

In the midst of all this waiting I also sent the DOB manuscript to a professional editor. It was something I’d been contemplating for awhile, especially because I’ve been thinking seriously about self-publishing. On Sunday, I got my edit letter back and it was very encouraging.

There’s some work to be done, sure. But the editor (whose previous experience includes a few big 6 publishers) says DOB might be the book that could get me a NY contract. I hadn’t realized how much I needed to hear that until I actually heard that. She agreed I wouldn’t be compromising by self-publishing since it might be more lucrative to do it, but if I still had my sights set on a traditional deal, DOB was a contender (okay, my words, not hers).

So I’ve got a little revising to do and then I’ll be querying agents throughout the fall. If I don’t get any bites, maybe I’ll go the self-publishing route.

As a reminder, I’m contributing a story to the FEEDING KATE anthology which will be released in October. It promises to be a fantastic book, so please consider making a contribution so you can get your copy.

And in other news I’ve started (or rather expanded) a home/lifestyle blog called Crafty Devilish. I figure I spend so much time looking at home decor blogs, food blogs, etc. that I should put all that interest to good use. But I did it for another reason as well: after putting most of my creative energy into writing for the last four years I realized I wasn’t as happy as I wanted to be. I needed another creative outlet and Crafty Devilish is it. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, pay the blog a visit and get regular updates on Facebook by “liking” it.




6 Replies to “A Little Validation Goes a Long Way”

  1. Thomas Pluck says: July 17, 2012 at 12:49 pm

    I’m very happy for you. Patience is rough. Publishers work at a glacial pace compared to what we are used to. But if you want it, you gotta suffer through it.

    1. Holly West says: July 17, 2012 at 12:51 pm

      Yeah we’ve talked about this a million times. Besides giving me a boost of confidence, the edit letter gave me an actual direction to go w/ the mss. After editing it myself ad-nauseum it was great to get some concrete suggestions on improving it.

  2. Bryon Quertermous says: July 17, 2012 at 12:19 pm

    If you haven’t already, you should consider entering the book in two of St. Martins Press’s contests.


    The first is the Malice Domestic Best First Traditional Mystery contest with a deadline sometime in October. Then the MWA contest for Best First Crime Novel with a deadline in December.

    What you should not focus on at all is your Dead Man entry.

    1. Holly West says: July 17, 2012 at 12:54 pm

      Oh man, if it wasn’t for the fact that I issued you a public challenge for the Dead Man entry I’d tell you that I’m probably not going to enter that (mostly because I want to concentrate on revisions for DOB). Of course I only have 14 or so more days to complete it so it is unlikely that I’ll make it.

      Which pains me to say.

      But yeah, I’d forgotten about the St. Martin’s press contests–I do actually plan to enter one or both of them.

      1. Bryon Quertermous says: July 17, 2012 at 2:08 pm

        Booooo. I need a worthy adversary over whom I can gloat when I am declared the winner. Good luck with your girl book though.

        1. Holly West says: July 17, 2012 at 2:44 pm

          That’s “lady book” to you, mister.

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