Fall is officially here! Hooray! Let’s celebrate with a gratuitous post about dogs.
This, my friends, beats a shirtless David Beckham any day of the week:
I know I’ll probably never get a puppy, but when I see pictures like these I just melt. And I love corgis. Kramer and Stuart are corgi-german shepherd mixes:
The funny thing about my dogs is that even though they look nearly identical, they were actually born about 8 years apart. Even funnier, there is a breed called the Lancashire Heeler that looks just like my dogs… but they are rare, and most are in the U.K. The chances of two of them ending up in a U.S. shelter are slim. Check this out:
The only bad thing about adopting adult dogs is that you never get to see them as puppies. And I loves me some puppies, that’s for sure. Occasionally, Mick and I have searched online for pups that look like they might’ve been Kramer or Stuart:
Photo credit: Claire Appleton
Photo credit: Christina Oates
Photo credit: Lancashire Heeler Club
Oh well, it’s fun to imagine what they might’ve looked like.
I know your post is several years old, but actually it’s not impossible to find a Lancashire Heeler in a shelter just north of Houston, TX. I adopted mine from a shelter just last year. She was only 4 mos old, and with a little detective work, I was able to track her to her breeder.
Your dogs look very much like mine. I think yours are heelers, not corgi Shepperd mixes.
Sweetie’s a cutie. I can’t believe I’ve never met her!
Awwww!!! I love all the puppy pics. I always wanted a puppy too (and another baby), that’s how I ended up with Sweetie. Shivering at the shelter at 3 months old. Poor thing. She was a nightmare, but now at 2 1/2 can sometimes be a good dog. Actually she’s growing up quite nice. She has her own page at Dogster: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/487965
The middle pic of her in bed with her bone is her as a puppy. She’s changed very little actually.
I think you should never say never to having a puppy. It’s like having a child, but they grow up in 3 years, not 18.