Sometimes creativity isn’t about what you make, it’s about how you solve problems.  And Houston, we had a problem.

Our dog Kramer is 15 (16 in May) and over the last year or so has become somewhat of a challenge.  His mobility is not what it used to be, and neither is his bladder.  A daily dose of Proin has helped to solve the bladder issue, but the mobility is still not so good, even with medication to help with pain and inflammation.

Kramer has always liked his walks, and still does.  The problem is getting him from our fourth floor condo down to the street in a timely (see bladder issue, above) and stress-free manner.  I feel so bad pulling him along, knowing he’s doing the best he can, and also knowing if I don’t get him out post-haste, he might have an accident in a public place in our building.

The time had come for a different solution:


This sexy little number was purchased at Target and put together by my dear husband.  Kramer doesn’t like it all that much but I keep a steady stream of kibble flowing and he stays in it pretty well.  Sometimes I even catch him hanging out around the wagon looking for stray treats.  I use it to roll him outside of the building, then take him out so he can get his regular walk in down on the street.

Problem solved!

7 Replies to “Kramer’s New Ride”

  1. says: March 28, 2008 at 11:12 pm

    He’s adorable. I just went through this with my dog and now she’s at peace. My mom’s 17 year old cat was just diagnosed with cancer. Poor babies just don’t have as long as we want them to. But every minute we do have with them is so worth it!

  2. Julie Carruth says: March 28, 2008 at 5:05 pm

    Kramer looks so cute in his red wagon! I think that is a very inventive solution. Kate and I send him hugs and kisses – XOXO

  3. Leafpeople says: March 28, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    From one who knows, You’re a great dogmom!

  4. Junkyard Sam says: March 28, 2008 at 10:57 am

    Oh what a touching blog post. Your dog is beautiful – he doesn’t look almost-16 at all! That’s amazing. I hope I get so much life out of my Beagle.
    Thanks for being such a neat dog owner. Dogs are… life.

  5. Tatyana says: March 28, 2008 at 9:04 am

    I’m sorry to hear that he’s declining like that. But (almost) 16 years is a blessing, and I’m sure you’ve had many many happy times with him before 🙂

  6. Trisha says: March 28, 2008 at 8:57 am

    Sounds like an excellent solution for the little guy!
    In my house, all the downstairs floors are ceramic tile for a reason.

  7. Morgan says: March 27, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    The only things missing are a license plate that says Kramer, and a hula girl on the dashboard!

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