Today is take off day. The dogs are going to the kennel (sob!), our bags are packed, and we’re ready to get our groove on in Japan.
Of course as soon as the suitcases came out the dogs got nervous.
Unfortunately, I don’t think they’re looking forward to their vacation as
much as we’re looking forward to ours.
Even though this is technically a blog about my creative endeavors–namely making jewelry, knitting, and painting–I am temporarily turning it into a travel blog for our trip to Japan. My plan is to write a daily post about what we’re doing and to include a photo or two if I can wrestle the laptop away from Mick. We’ll see how that goes.
The flight is about 11 hours, which is about the same as the time it takes to fly from Los Angeles to London. When we arrive at Narita Tokyo Airport, a shuttle will take us to the Palace Hotel which is very near to the Imperial Palace:
The Imperial Palace (photo: Imperial Household Agency)
I think what I’m looking forward to most in Japan is the food. And the sake. Is that pathetic? I guess it is a little pathetic. I’ve never thought of Japan as a big food place but my research (and friends) tells me it is. And god knows I loves me some food. I plan on trying everything, even things I never in my life thought I’d eat. Except onions. I hate onions.
I’ll leave you with that for now…
Don’t forget to walk a lot and run where you can so all that good food doesn’t count! Have a wonderful time and a safe trip. I’ll look forward to reading about it.